At the end of each semester, professors recommend students complete a reflective survey about their experience of the class an it's material. Did the class achieve the expectations of the student or should some adjustments be made. Of course, since these surveys are not mandatory, most college students are too burdened by sloth to complete them. Well, bellow is just a sarcastically motivational email one of my professors sent the class in hopes of encouraging us to complete the survey before final exam day. Priceless...
At midnight tonight, I will check the course evaluation percentages, and determine the victor in the most important struggle of our times, the race to acquire free donuts. When I spoke with the other class last week, I discovered that they were not only excited about receiving a donut, or perhaps two, for absolutely nothing, but also thought you guys looked like jerks! They haven't even met you! The nerve!
I wouldn't take that kind of lip from a bunch of strangers if I were you! If only one or two of you fill out the survey, right now, then you can decisively tear this donut opportunity from their clenched, hungry fists. Don't let that other class get their way! Fight back! Log on to Blackboard and take five minutes to answer a handful of questions, if not for your own sake, then for the sake of your grandchildren, so that in the future you can look them in the eyes and proudly say "Oh, college is fun sometimes. Once we had donuts in an exam."